
C4D美洲狮迷彩绿军用越野通讯吉普车模型    [复制链接]

C4D模型 2020-12-14 15:31 发布

工程性质: 纯模型
模型分类: 战争 » 战车/坦克
文件格式: C4D 
工程细节: 材质 
含渲染器: 软件自带 
检索码: -
C4D美洲狮迷彩绿军用越野通讯吉普车模型回顾吉普车的历史,不难发现吉普车本身就是开拓精神的结晶。 从著名的四轮驱动汽车祖先Willis MB到时代的新宠Wagner,这款源自战争的产品一直延续着其固有的血统和完美的艺术气质。 通过不断的发展和创新,它已经变得越来越完美,领先于整个四轮驱动汽车行业。
在72年的发展中,吉普车无疑是世界上最受尊敬的品牌,毫无疑问,吉普车自诞生以来就创造了无数的传奇。 也正是由于其自然的传奇历史和大声且易于记忆的发音,许多人都将吉普车作为SUV的代名词。 至于四轮驱动汽车的鼻祖Willis MB,可以说这是命运的结果,在此期间发生的小故事是世界可以想象和评论的空间。
Looking back on the history of jeep, it is not difficult to find that Jeep itself is the crystallization of pioneering spirit. From the famous ancestor of 4WD vehicle Willis MB to the new favorite of the times Wagner, this product originated from the war has been continuing its inherent blood origin and artistic temperament of perfection. Through continuous development and innovation, it has become increasingly perfect, leading the pace of the entire 4WD industry.
In the 72 years of development, jeep is undoubtedly the most respected brand in the world, and there is no doubt that it has created countless legends since its birth. It is also because of its natural legendary history and loud and easy to remember pronunciation that many people regard Jeep as the pronoun of SUV. As for Willis MB, the originator of the four wheel drive vehicle, it can be said that it is the result of fate, and the little stories happened during it are the space for the world to imagine and comment on.


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