C4D渲染入门教程Digital Tutors Introduction to Rendering in CINEMA 4D

C4D渲染入门教程Digital Tutors Introduction to Rendering in CINEMA 4D  [复制链接]

C4D教程 2015-09-12 13:00 发布

资源分类: 免费资源
教程分类: 新手入门 » R12版本
渲染器: 自带标准 自带物理 VRAY Arnold Octane Redshift 其他 
教程语言: 中文/字幕
检索码: -

C4D渲染入门教程Digital Tutors Introduction to Rendering in CINEMA 4D


英文名: Digital Tutors Introduction to Rendering in CINEMA 4D

资源格式: iso镜像

发行日期: August 4, 2010



In this series of lessons, we will explore some of the core rendering tools and features

that every CINEMA 4D rendering artist needs to be familiar with. This course is designed

for users who are just getting started with rendering in CINEMA 4D, so we will not be

focusing heavily on the use of lights, materials or recipes to give your render a specific

look. Instead, our focus will be on helping you build a strong foundational knowledge of

rendering in CINEMA 4D by talking about many of the key tools, features and concepts that

every rendering artist in CINEMA 4D really needs to be familiar with. We will also learn

how to resolve some rendering related issues that you may encounter, and we will focus very

heavily on helping you develop good habits and strong workflow practices that will be

extremely beneficial to you as an emerging render artist.

Lesson Outline (13 lessons)

1. Introduction and Project Overview

2. Rendering in the CINEMA 4D viewport

3. Using the Interactive Render Region in CINEMA 4D

4. Rendering to the CINEMA 4D Picture Viewer

5. Controlling rendered output resolution in CINEMA 4D

6. Rendering an animated sequence from CINEMA 4D

7. Understanding ray depth settings in CINEMA 4D

8. Improving rendered image quality in CINEMA 4D

9. Getting started with cameras in CINEMA 4D

10. Overview of materials in CINEMA 4D

11. Modifying CINEMA 4D materials

12. Importing and exporting materials in CINEMA 4D

13. Using the Compositing Tag in CINEMA 4D

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C4D渲染入门教程Digital Tutors Introduction to Rendering in CINEMA 4D 

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