
在3ds Max中根据照片参考对室内场景进行建模教程

在3ds Max中根据照片参考对室内场景进行建模教程  [复制链接]

CG教程 2021-08-22 10:03 发布

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软件格式: 3D MAXS 
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在3ds Max中根据照片参考对室内场景进行建模教程
在这些 3ds Max 教程中,我们将学习如何根据单张照片参考在 3ds Max 中重新创建环境。我们将在本课程中关注的关键点将主要针对建模技术,这些技术可用于创建任何类型的环境。外观或室内设计项目中的建模工作大多基于计划和照片参考。因此,当您需要独特的家具模型、场景中的正确尺寸或想将模型添加到照片中时,一开始可能会遇到问题,但我们将重点讨论解决的许多技巧和窍门问题。在本 3ds Max 培训结束时,您将能够根据照片参考在 3ds Max 中熟练地建模场景。所需软件:3ds Max 2014、V-Ray、Photoshop CS6、Lightroom 5.5。
Throughout these 3ds Max tutorials, we'll learn how to recreate an environment in 3ds Max based on the single photo reference. The key points we'll focus on in this course will mainly be specific to modeling techniques, which can be used to create any kind of environment. Mostly modeling work in exterior or interior design projects, are based on plans and photo references. So when you are in need of unique furniture models, correct dimensions in a scene, or you would like to add your models to a photo, it may be a problem at first, but we'll focus on discussing many tips and tricks to solve the issue. By the end of this 3ds Max training, you'll be able to expertly model a scene in 3ds Max from photo reference. Software required: 3ds Max 2014, V-Ray, Photoshop CS6, Lightroom 5.5.
在3ds Max中根据照片参考对室内场景进行建模教程 

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