软件···Win/Mac怎样完美卸载 C4D

123456811 发表于 2022-4-17 21:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
后来在官网找到一个 R20 的安装说明文档 pdf

软件···Win/Mac怎样完美卸载 C4D-1.jpg
Go to the system settings, select Programs and Functions and double-click on the Cinema 4D R20, BodyPaint 3D R20, Team Render Server R20, Team Render Client R20 or MAXON License Server item. The de-installation dialog window will open.

01 Activate this item if you want to completely remove the program from your computer.

02 Activate this option if you also want to remove your user directory. This directory contains your personal program settings as well as other information.

Attention: If this directory is deleted, your own Content Browser libraries and all other data that you have saved here will be deleted. Only activate this option if you no longer require these files!

03 This option defines if the plugins should also be deleted during the deinstallation. This option should be disabled if you have third-party plugins that you want to continue using.

Attention: This option is enabled by default.
Note: The RLM directory, which is located under C:\Program Files\MAXON, will not be deleted and must be removed manually.
转到系统设置,选择“程序和功能”,然后双击Cinema 4D R20,BodyPaint 3D R20,Team Render Server R20,Team Render Client R20或MAXON License Server项目。卸载对话框窗口将打开。
注意:位于C:\ Program Files \ MAXON下的RLM目录不会被delete,必须手动delete。
To uninstall the program, move the folder Cinema 4D R20, BodyPaint 3D R20, Team Render Server R20, Team Render Client R20 or MAXON License Server to the trash.
Your personal user data can be found on the hard drive under Macintosh HD/User/ [username]/Library/Preferences/MAXON. If you also want to delete this information, drag this folder into the trash as well.
Attention: If this directory is deleted, your own Content Browser libraries and all other files stored here will be deleted!
要卸载程序,请将文件夹Cinema 4D R20,BodyPaint 3D R20,Team Render Server R20,Team Render Client R20或MAXON License Server移到回收站。
您的个人用户数据能够在Macintosh HD / User / [用户名] / Library / Preferences / MAXON下的硬盘驱动器上找到。假如您还想delete此信息,请将此文件夹也拖到垃圾箱中。
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