AE视频慢镜头升格插件 REVisionFX Twixtor Pro 6.0.7 WIN

AE视频慢镜头升格插件 REVisionFX Twixtor Pro 6.0.7 WIN  [复制链接]

AE插件 2022-02-22 11:23 发布

插件作用: 视觉特效 其他 
工具类型: 插件
插件语言: 英文 
适用版本(仅供参考): CS4 CS5 CS5.5 CS6 CC 
使用教程: 无教程
支持系统: PC 
检索码: QL220217AC-36
AE视频慢镜头升格插件 REVisionFX Twixtor Pro 6.0.7 WIN是一个视觉特效、其他插件,语言为英文。支持after effects软件版本:CS4、CS5、CS5.5、CS6、CC,插件使用教程:无教程。支持PC系统安装使用,下载检索码QL220217AC-36。当前ae插件素材由用户慧彩分享在AE插件区,更多关于视频教程、视频素材、慢镜头的ae插件请访问菜鸟c4d网站!
AE慢镜头插件 REVisionFX Twixtor Pro 6.0.7 for Adobe Win64
Twixtor raises the bar in motion estimation. Twixtor is much more accurate, tracks objects farther, and exhibits fewer artifacts when there are objects crossing in the scene. This means less tearing and stretching of objects as they cross or go out of the frame.
Warping and interpolation of frames to “time warp” input footage.
Smart processing of interlaced material
Stretching of a sequence using a single scaling parameter.
Keyframable retiming for complete control on a frame by frame basis.
Frame rate conversions made easy (Important Note: frame rate conversions are supported only from within After Effects and Combustion ).
8 and 16 bits per channel processing. Unclamped floating point image support in After Effects 7.0 or later
Option to automatically enhance dark imagery or imagery with poorly defined edges. In many cases, footage that was difficult to track becomes much more well-behaved upon retiming.
Contains an option to add or remove motion motion blur, as appropriate.
Support for marking material so that Twixtor does not motion-interpolate across a cut.
After Effects only: ability to remap audio and video using AE’s time remapping tools but using Twixtor “under the hood”

Adobe After Effects 7.0 and up, including 64-bit support for CS5 and up.
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and up.
What’s new in version 6.0.7?
Fixes a crashing bug that could happen when scrubbing or positioning the current time pointer on the timeline.
AE视频慢镜头升格插件 REVisionFX Twixtor Pro 6.0.7 WIN 

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