AE模拟8位色彩字体插件(含教程) L3tt3rM4pp3r v1.0.1.2 WIN

AE模拟8位色彩字体插件(含教程) L3tt3rM4pp3r v1.0.1.2 WIN  [复制链接]

AE插件 2022-02-23 11:35 发布

插件作用: 光效 视觉特效 
工具类型: 插件
插件语言: 英文 
适用版本(仅供参考): CS4 CS5 CS5.5 CS6 CC 
使用教程: 含教程
支持系统: PC 
检索码: QL220217AC-48
这是一个光效、视觉特效插件,语言为英文。支持after effects软件版本:CS4、CS5、CS5.5、CS6、CC,插件使用教程:含教程。支持PC系统安装使用,下载检索码QL220217AC-48。当前ae插件素材由用户慧彩分享在AE插件区,更多关于8位色彩、贴图、文字插件、蒙版的ae插件请访问菜鸟C4D网站!
8Bit贴图插件 Aescripts L3tt3rM4pp3r v1.0.1.2 Win+教程
简单说就是吧元素作为蒙板展示文字,AE Win版插件,下载含视频教程
L4tt3rM4pp3r is a GPU accelerated After Effects plugin, allowing you to display video frames as textmode art.
You can use any set of symbols to create your own unique textmode styles (check the VIDEOS tab above for a tutorial on how to do this), be it classic ASCII art with CGA BIOS font, Katakana, Klingon or your custom drawn symbols – just put them together into proper texture and L4tt3rM4pp3r will do the rest.
You can create a symbols texture yourself, or use the two scripts for Adobe Photoshop that come with L4tt3rM4pp3r.  They simplify the process of creating symbol maps that L4tt3rM4pp3r can use.
AE模拟8位色彩字体插件(含教程) L3tt3rM4pp3r v1.0.1.2 WIN 

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