9种Redshift渲染器C4D材质 Corona for C4D Studio Setup

9种Redshift渲染器C4D材质 Corona for C4D Studio Setup    [复制链接]

C4D材质 2020-06-01 05:16 发布

素材类型: 综合
素材方向: 材质球/IES 
素材格式: C4D 
渲染器: Redshift 
检索码: CN202006010516
9种Redshift渲染器C4D材质 Corona for C4D Studio Setup
A very simple studio light setup ready to render with Corona Renderer 1.7 for Cinema 4D. Inside the zip file you will find 9 materials, 4 textures, editable studio lights, render settings and VFB settings.
This file does not have any type of protection. You can reuse the scene, the render settings, the lights, the materials, but above all you can learn from the file, moving inside the project, observing how the light was created and handled, how materials are developed, what is the role that every textures play within them, and the values that fill every single option.
准备使用Corona Renderer 1.7 for Cinema 4D进行渲染的非常简单的工作室灯光设置。 在zip文件中,您会找到9种材质,4种纹理,可编辑的工作室灯光,渲染设置和VFB设置。
该文件没有任何类型的保护。 您可以重用场景,渲染设置,灯光,材质,但最重要的是,您可以从文件中学习,在项目内移动,观察灯光的创建和处理方式,材质的开发方式,其作用是什么。 每个纹理都在其中发挥作用,而填充每个选项的值也是如此。

9种Redshift渲染器C4D材质 Corona for C4D Studio Setup 

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