
admin 发表于 2021-10-17 10:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
如果双击在 Windows 10 配置上的 Cinema 4D 中停止工作,请检查您是否使用了三星的实用程序“Easy Setting Box”。
该工具可让您轻松地在显示器上布置窗口,众所周知,它会导致当前 Windows 10 系统上的各种软件出现一些问题。至少在该工具的 1.0.33 版中观察到了这些问题。
If double click stopped working in Cinema 4D on a Windows 10 configuration, please check if you are using the utility "Easy Setting Box" by Samsung.
This tool, which allows you to layout windows on your display easily, is known to cause some issues on current Windows 10 systems for various software. The issues were at least observed with version 1.0.33 of the tool.
If you are affected by it, please disable it or wait for an update of the tool and try it again.
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