C4D教程 SSS玉材质气泡鼓动Octane渲染器材质渲染教程
I’m a freelance 3D and Motion Graphics Artist based in London where I’ve been working and teaching in the industry for over 10 years. ...
C4D创建水底升起的气泡教程 Creating Bubbles using Thinking Particles in Cinema 4d
In this tutorial from Footprint Productions, the author shows How to create the scene from the previous posted tease ...
In this Cinema 4D R20 tutorial, I’ll show you how to create this voxel style letter F animation. My original render led to cubes being odd sizes so I took anot ...
C4D教程-域场和毛发运用场景案例教学 Fields + Hair Cinema 4D Tutorial
Fields + Hair Project 1. Instead of just the raw info, I build a little scene with a fish and some sea anemone to dem ...
C4D教程-使用运动图形创建有机气泡膨胀动画 Create "Houdini-Like" Bubbling Surface Using Dynamics
In this video I will go over how to create a very smooth and organic Bubbling Surface effect ...
C4D技巧讲解教程 Rocket Lasso Live S2 Ep 16教程时长196分钟 大小907M
Morphing Between Dissimilar Shapes
00:01:08 Morphing between dissimilar shapes. Morph defomer so we can control the where ...
Create a refracting effect using bubbles and animate them on top of text in Cinema4D.
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