
(全部更新完毕)(鱼鱼老师中文字幕)C4DR17全面基础教程    [复制链接]

C4D教程 2017-04-05 20:40 发布

资源分类: 免费资源
教程分类: 新手入门 » R18版本
渲染器: 自带标准 
教程语言: 中文/字幕
检索码: -


001 欢迎Welcome

002 开始前你要知道的What you should know before watching this course

003 关于工程文件Using the exercise files

004理解场次系统(R17新功能) Understanding the Take System

005 使用场次系统合成标签Using the Take System for compositing

006 新版本的场次系统Creating versions with the Take System

007 样条曲线工具Spline tool

008 其他功能Other features

009 [backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]3 d工作流的概述Overview of 3D workflow

010 C4D工作界面Navigating the CINEMA 4D (C4D) interface

011创建文本样条 Creating a text spline

012 是用挤出工具Using the Extrude object

013 创建摄像机Creating a camera

014设置材质 Setting up a material

015照亮物体 Lighting the model

016 渲染Rendering

017 [backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]使用样条建模Introducing spline modeling

018在C4D中创建曲线 Creating splines in C4D

019 使用车削工具Using the Lathe tool

020 [backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]使用扫描NURBS对象Using the Sweep NURBS objects

021 导入AI文件并使用挤出工具Importing curves from Illustrator and using the Extrude tool

022 创建放样对象Creating with the Loft tool

023 理解3D对象Understanding how 3D models are made

024 点,线,边和多边形Points, edges, and polygons

025 使用挤出和内部挤出Using the Extrude and Extrude Inner tools

026使用桥接和切割工具 Using the Bridge and Knife tools

027 细分建模Subdivision modeling

028 探索创建多边形工具Exploring the PolyPen

029 什么是变形器What is a deformer_

030 线性变形器Bend deformer

031 使用样条变形器Using the Spline Wrap deformer

032 风变形器 Wind deformer

033 使用变形器衰减Using deformer falloff

034 使用3D材质What makes up a 3D material_

035C4D的材质系统 How does C4D think about materials

036[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]粗糙面板(凹凸、位移和法线) Rough surfaces (bump, displacement, and normals)

037光滑面板(反射) Shiny surfaces (reflection)

038透明面板(折射) Transparent surfaces (refraction)

039 使用Alpha通道Using an alpha channel (in a label on a bottle)

040[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]创建和使用选择标签Creating and using selection tags

041UV Projections vs. UVs

042 编辑UVEditing UVs

043 3D照明理论Concepts of 3D lighting

044 C4D的灯光类型和什么时候用它Type of C4D lights and why we use them

045 使用阴影Working with shadows

046衰减的重要性及如何设置它 Why falloff is important and how to set it up

047 创建3点光源Creating a three-point lighting setup

048 体积光Volumetric lighting

049介绍GI Introduction to Global Illumination

050介绍运动图形和概念 Introduction to MoGraph tools and concepts

051 使用克隆效果器Using cloners

052 使用特殊效果器Using effectors

053 [backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]创建MoGraph对象Creating MoGraph with Fracture objects

054创建运动图形文字 Creating type with MoText

055 设置动力学Setting up dynamics

056 如何创建关键帧What are keyframes and how do you create them_

057 时间线面板Timeline controls (F-Curve vs. Key mode)

058 调整动画曲线Adjusting animation curves

059 [backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]使用set-driven键Using set-driven keys

060 移动相机与自定义用户数据Moving the camera with custom user data

061 [backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]回顾渲染引擎是如何工作的Reviewing how render engines work

062 渲染设置Common render settings

063 [backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]介绍物理渲染引擎Introduction to the Physical Render engine

064如何[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]减少渲染时间 Tips to reduce render times

065 设置分层渲染Setting up multipass rendering

066什么是3D合成工作流 What is the 3D compositing workflow_

067 使用合成标签Uses for the Compositing tag

068使用AEC工作流 Using the AEC workflow

069 cineware工作流The CINEWARE workflow

070 合成多通道Compositing with multipass

071 关于下部教程Next steps




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