Explore the zeitgeist of the American heartland in a post-war landscape with quintessential models of the suburbs and traditional downtown areas. Kitschy bowling alleys and theaters, public buildings such as libraries and memorial buildings, mobile homes and tract housing, and even a shopping mall capture the nostalgia and stories of an idyllic American town in a time between the struggles of war and before the crush of technology.
AI Power是一款创新的Cinema 4D插件,由知名的3D技术公司3D TOALL开发。这款插件能够与C4D无缝对接,用户只需构建基础模型并提供关键词,即可迅速生成高水准的渲染图像。与传统的C4D工作流程(包括建模、布光、材质和渲染)相比,AI Power极大地简化了这一过程,显著提高了图像生成的效率。