C4D赛博朋克风格科幻飞行汽车模型 Cyberpunk Car

C4D赛博朋克风格科幻飞行汽车模型 Cyberpunk Car    [复制链接]

C4D模型 2020-12-01 15:46 发布

工程性质: 纯模型
模型分类: 科幻
文件格式: C4D 
工程细节: 材质  
含渲染器: 软件自带 
检索码: QL202011302151


在1950年代,人们开始研究现代飞行汽车的实际作用。 在攀登现代飞行汽车技术的过程中,第一个发扬光大,勇往直前的人是名叫Moore Taylor的美国人。 他不懈努力。 1986年,现代汽车技术与航空技术结合在一起,制成了可以在地面上飞行并在空中飞行的飞行汽车,并获得了政府有关部门颁发的飞行许可证。 从那以后,泰勒曾教人们被誉为现代飞行汽车的先驱。 但是,由于平坦的固定翼比车身宽5-6倍,因此在高速公路上驾驶或起降时不仅会影响正常的交通秩序,而且会受到路边障碍物的限制, 这很难教人。 因此,泰勒的第一架飞行汽车必须成为试验场上的原型车。
In the 1950s, people began to study the practical action of modern flying cars. In the course of climbing the technology of modern flying cars, the first person to carry forward the cause and forge ahead is an American named Moore Taylor. He made unremitting efforts. In 1986, the modern automobile and aviation technology were combined together to create a flying car that can run on the ground and fly in the air, and obtained the flight license issued by the relevant government departments. Taylor has since taught people to be hailed as the pioneer of modern flying cars. However, due to the flat fixed wing which is 5-6 times wider than the vehicle body, when driving or taking off and landing on the highway, it will not only affect the normal traffic order, but also be restricted by the roadside obstacles, which is very difficult to teach people. Therefore, Taylor's first flying car had to become a prototype vehicle on the test ground.

C4D赛博朋克风格科幻飞行汽车模型 Cyberpunk Car 

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