C4D三种颜色的旧汽油桶模型 Oil Drums

C4D三种颜色的旧汽油桶模型 Oil Drums    [复制链接]

C4D模型 2020-11-22 15:46 发布

工程性质: 纯模型
模型分类: 工业
文件格式: C4D 
工程细节: 材质 
含渲染器: 软件自带 
检索码: QL202011221544
油桶是德国发明的。第二次世界大战前,德国最高司令部制定了闪电战的战略,但同时存在问题。由于每种攻击力量的快速进攻速度,后勤补给无法跟上它的步伐。在战斗中,成千上万辆坦克,装甲车和卡车需要大量汽油。德国最高司令部预见了这一问题,并设计了一个用于存放汽油的容器,即油桶。在1939年德国入侵波兰之前,这里有数万个油桶。德国设计的天才使军用汽油箱的设计仍沿袭了60年前的德国设计。第二次世界大战初期,在欧洲的一次成功闪电战中,油桶的设计被视为重要组成部分,并且严格保密。当国防军被迫投降或被俘虏时,它被要求销毁其油桶,以免落入盟友之手。德国人的恐惧并非没有根据。只要有油桶,盟友就可以使用它们。在北非,英国SAS(特殊航空服务)部队的吉普车装有数个油桶,其油质与当时的美国陆军相同。 SAS部队的任务是发现并摧毁停在德国空军基地的飞机,其行动在没有任何物资或支持的情况下渗透到德国的后方。在长途作战中,SAS部队不得不依靠自己的油箱来运送贵重的汽油,但是其可靠性不高。盟军占领了德国的石油桶,这些石油桶很快被复制并用于战场。
The oil barrel was invented by Germany. Before the Second World War, the German Supreme Command formulated the strategy of Blitzkrieg, but there was a problem at the same time. Due to the fast attack speed of each attacking force, the logistic supply can not keep up with it. In the battle, thousands of tanks, armored vehicles and trucks need a lot of gasoline. The German Supreme Command foresaw the problem and designed a container for gasoline, the oil barrel. Before the German invasion of Poland in 1939, it had tens of thousands of oil barrels. The genius of German design makes the design of military gasoline tank still follow the design of Germany more than 60 years ago. In the successful blitz across Europe in the early days of World War II, the design of oil drums was seen as a major part and strictly confidential. When the Wehrmacht group was forced to surrender or be captured, it was asked to destroy their oil drums to avoid falling into the hands of the allies. The German fears were not groundless. The allies can use them as long as they have oil barrels. In North Africa, the jeep of the British SAS (special air service) unit was equipped with several oil drums, which were of the same quality as those of the US Army at that time. The mission of the SAS force was to discover and destroy the aircraft parked at the German air base, and its operations penetrated into the German rear line without any supplies or support. In the long-distance operation, SAS troops have to rely on their oil tanks to carry precious gasoline, but its reliability is not high. The Allies seized the German oil barrels, which were soon copied and applied to the battlefield.

C4D三种颜色的旧汽油桶模型 Oil Drums 

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