Cineware和AEC工作流程将C4D与After Effects连接起来教程

Cineware和AEC工作流程将C4D与After Effects连接起来教程    [复制链接]

C4D教程 2020-08-26 14:24 发布

资源分类: 免费资源
教程分类: 影视栏包 » 导入导出
渲染器: 自带标准 
教程语言: 英文
检索码: QL202008260144
在VFX Suite中进行合成:Cineware和AEC工作流程,将C4D与After Effects连接起来
专业培训师Chad Perkins和Nick Harauz讨论了后期制作中合成图像的基本概念和技术,包括Cineware和AEC工作流程的技巧,以及将Cinema 4D与After Effects连接在一起,以及在后期制作中使用发光和反射增强合成效果。

Chad Perkins是驻华盛顿州西雅图市的视觉效果艺术家和动作设计师。 他是视觉效果协会的成员,屡获殊荣的作者,Adobe认证的讲师和认证的Trapcode专家。
Compositing in VFX Suite: Cineware and AEC workflows, connecting C4D with After Effects
Expert trainers Chad Perkins and Nick Harauz discuss essential concepts and techniques for compositing images in post-production, including tips for Cineware and AEC workflows, and connecting Cinema 4D with After Effects, and enhancing composites with glows and reflections in post-production.

Chad Perkins is a visual effects artist and motion designer based in Seattle, WA. He is a member of the Visual Effects Society, an award-winning author, an Adobe Certified Instructor, and a certified Trapcode Expert.

Nick Harauz is a certified Adobe, Apple, Da Vinci and Avid Instructor based in Toronto. He produces educational content for LinkedIn Learning, Adobe and his company Creative One Eleven.

Cineware和AEC工作流程将C4D与After Effects连接起来教程 

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