C4D和尚历险记游戏卡通风格场景模型 Monk's Adventure

C4D和尚历险记游戏卡通风格场景模型 Monk's Adventure    [复制链接]

C4D模型 2020-08-13 19:20 发布

工程性质: 纯模型
模型分类: 卡通
文件格式: C4D 
工程细节: 材质  
含渲染器: 软件自带 
检索码: -
image.png 游戏的英雄是一个勇敢的和尚,被他的KI能量包围,他愿意与可怕的Ryuu Dragon战斗以拯救被困在城堡顶部的朋友。 在屏幕的左侧,有一家章鱼烧商店,您可以在其中充电。 在右侧,您可以找到一个渔夫Kappa,您可以与他交谈耳奖。 准备好和龙搏斗,沿着这条路前进,并获得达鲁玛物品。 那是进入城堡的唯一途径,城堡漂浮在愤怒的海面之上的蓝天中。
它是与Maya一起建模和组装的。 对于此场景,我使用了一些由Photoshop制作的天空,海洋和苛性纹理。 除了这些纹理以外,所有东西都只是用于实现卡通外观的纯色着色器。

The hero of the game is a brave Monk, surrounded by his KI energy, which is willing to fight the scary Ryuu Dragon to save his friend, trapped at the top of the castle. In the left side of the screen, there’s a Takoyaki shop where you can recharge your energy. And in the right side, you can find Kappa, a fisherman with whom you can talk to ear prizes. Get ready and fight the dragon to follow the path and get the Daruma item. That’s the only way to get inside the castle, which is floating in the blue sky air above furious sea.
It was modeled and assembled with Maya. For this scene, I used a few textures, for the sky, sea and caustic, made with Photoshop. Besides these textures, everything is just flat color shader to achieve the toon look.

C4D和尚历险记游戏卡通风格场景模型 Monk's Adventure 

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