C4D贴图 Forester植物插件Octane渲染器版贴图预设文件 Octane Textures for Forest...

C4D贴图 Forester植物插件Octane渲染器版贴图预设文件 Octane Textures for Forest...    [复制链接]

C4D材质 2018-09-25 01:35 发布

素材类型: 草地植被 » 花草
素材方向: 贴图/HDR 
素材格式: JPG PNG 其他 
渲染器: Octane 
检索码: CN201809250135



C4D贴图 Forester植物插件Octane渲染器版贴图预设文件 Octane Textures for Forester 3DQuakers
Here are all of the Forester textures which I converted from to Octane Real Displacement Textures.
All had been tweak to look better in Octane.
Other textures goes to its own channel respectively, except
Color goes to Diffusion channel
Height goes to Displacement channel
All textures had been tested in Octane guaranty to work 110%!

These Real Displacement Textures are from library 1 only. If any of you have other library and wanted them to be
converted, send it to me and I do the rest. It is a time consuming process but someone has to do it, right.
You can view the sample pic here

C4D贴图 Forester植物插件Octane渲染器版贴图预设文件 Octane Textures for Forest... 

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